bom, como ja' faz uns anos que eu nao posto nada novo por aqui, resolvi que esse ia ser um post comemorativo. faz uns 3 meses talvez que a empresa mudou de um lado da rua pro outro -- um predio antigo, porem mais novo, melhorado e reformado, etc. ainda assim, ingleses e higiene basica sao duas coisas que andam sempre em direcoes opostas, dai eu recebo emails do tipo:
I’m totally, totally sick of being asked to write these nagging emails about the state of the toilets on both floors – but I have to say that most of the complaints come from the 5th floor – I get a complaining email literally every day, from different people. (eu ainda nao reclamei, mas sei como e' o estadinho que essa galera deixa o banheiro...)
Everyone should be aware that we’re in a beautiful, old, listed building. The water pressure isn’t what it might be as the pipe-work is old and narrower than in modern buildings. (bom, a agua sai da torneira.. no outro predio nem isso!)
How can it be spelt out more clearly: after using the loo please ensure it is left clean, whether you have to wait a couple of minutes to re-flush it or not. There are toilet brushes in each loo – use them if you need to. (hahaha alguem entao encontrou "sobras" abandonadas no vaso e andou reclamando e'? bom, puxar agua e' o minimo basico, mas tem gente que simplesmente nao sabe disso)
I feel like closing down all the loos and making everyone go to the toilets at the tube station. (yeah, ao menos dai eu posso matar umas horas de trabalho e escrever no blog)
Please respect your colleagues and behave like human beings. (fala serio, tia, eles sao quase todos ingleses!!!)
Thank you.